Friday, May 8, 2020

Rome Chi-Cago notes

More Rome Notes...

  • The Etruscans settled Rome. They were from the north central part of the Peninsula. Some jobs they occupied were metalworkers, artists, and architects.
  • The Greeks also helped settle Rome. They had settled colonies around the Mediterranean sea. They borrowed ideas from them such as, religion, alphabet, art techniques, and militaristic ideas.
  • But the Latins were the first to settle before the others. The descendants of Euro-Indians usually settled on the banks of the Tiber.
  • Remus wanted Aventine, but Romulus choose Palatine. 
  • Many streams flowed through and into the Tiber. The Marshy Area between Palatine and Capitoline Hills was called the Forum.
  • Tarquin the proud's grandfather built Cloacca Maxima channeling into thee Tiber.
  • Lucius Tarquinias Superbus is the seventh and final roman king. He was a true tyrant and had a modern sense of the world.

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