Thursday, June 4, 2020

Essay to Me

Dear Future Chloe,  
How’s Life been? Did you achieve your goals, and do you have a family now? Remember when corona virus first began you were just a ninth grader. It was Friday, March 13th, 2020 an ordinary day, or so we thought. I just finished lacrosse practice and heard Governor Hogan saying schools are closed for two weeks. Everyone was ecstaticBut I had feeling something more would happen, and I was right school remained closed for the remainder of the year. That Friday my mom and I headed to Walmart and stocked up like the world was ending. We bought groceries, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, and masks. The world was flipped upside, shelves were cleared at stores. People lost jobs and depression entered the air. It was so weird not seeing or being able to communicate with your friends in person, or even see anyone. Personally, quarantine was fine for me, my schedule during the year is always so busy, so the break was a nice change. I could wake up late, workout, and finish school at a good time at my own pace. But then a problem arises, people were getting antsy and just not listening to the restrictions. The virus picked up a lot of speed resulting in many deaths. People thought it would just disappear even if we didn’t do anything. I never understood why some people thought they were entitled to live their lives and put others at risk, when a pandemic is going on. They complained about the problem but were the problem. This virus could’ve been over in a month if everyone complied but that wasn’t the case. We need to think about others besides ourselves, I realized, so we could all stay safe. It is June 4th, 2020 and the problem of corona is still relevant. But now protesting is taking place due to the brutal death of George Floyd, so Corona I guess is on hold now. While we fight for racial equality, which still shouldn't be problem in 2020. There needs to be a change. But the way some cities are dealing with the problem isn't right, looting and burning aren’t going to solve the problems it's making it worse. Committing crimes isn't showing your support for racism, you're just taking advantage of the system. People were actually  killed during the protests to raise awareness over a killing, which doesn't make sense to me. But not all protests were violent there were many peaceful ones, like here in Bel Air. One word to describe the U.S in 2020 would be chaos. I'm at the point where I'm angry, everything is being cancelled. But I realized i'm lucky to be safe during these times. I’ve never thought I'd say this, but I hope we go back to school in the fall and everything goes back to normal, but I have a feeling it’ll be a while till were back to a sense of normal.
From, Chloe  

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Essay to Me

Dear Future Chloe,    How’s Life been?  Did you achieve your goals, and do you have a family now?  Remember when corona virus first be...