Monday, May 11, 2020

Government structure & family

The rule under Tarquin was brutal, considering he was a tyrant. S.T daughter married brothers one of which was Tarquin. But Tullia kills her husband and sister allowing her to marry Tarquin which odd but there is more to come. Tarquin then seizes the throne from Tullia's father. He brutally does this by throwing him down the stairs then assassinating him. Therefore leaving him to take the throne. There is plenty more crazy in this family... but these acts scared off anyone from wanting to take power. Or even be subjects to the royal family. They showed fear that they'd end up like this family.

Kings were replaced by two consuls, which are elected officials. A term lasts one year. Plebs were 98% of the population of the time but patricians still had the power. Plebs fought back by refusing to participate in the military until the twelve tables came out. SPQR- senatus populusque romanum (roman senate and people.)
Three branches of democracy
Executive- two consuls of one year term
Legislative- 300 aristocrats and members for life.
Judicial- Praetors chosen by centuriate assembly (one year term)
The twelve tables is the official document similar to constitution. (rights for plebians.)

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