Friday, May 29, 2020

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar’s grandnephew and adopted son, Octavian takes over at the age of 18. with his own triumvirate
Octavian forces the weak Lepidus to retire. He and Mark Antony become rivals
Mark Antony partners up with Cleopatra of Egypt.
Mark Antony is an experienced general, Lepidus is a powerful politician
He was also given the title “imperator” Rome is now not a republic.
Pax Romana was 207 years long (27 BC- AD 180)
After Octavian’s death, power was passed down to emperors.
Tiberius-Ruled from AD 14 to AD 37, an excellent general, but a reluctant emperor, after the death of his son, he exiled himself from Rome and left his prefects in charge, died at age 77
Caligula-Ruled from AD 37 to AD 41 won a power struggle after Tiberius' death
known for his cruelty, extravagance, and perversity. A tyrant that
assassinated by a group of praetorian guards, Senators, and the imperial court, trying to re-establish the Republic.
Claudius-Ruled from AD 41 to AD 54, suffered from many infirmities: a limp, stammering, shaking, slobbering possibly because of cerebral palsy.
took over because he was the last adult male in the family. ruled well built roads, aqueducts, canals, and started the conquest of Britain
died by poisoning - it was his last wife's plan 
Nero-ruled from 54 to 68, emphasized the arts, huge fire in 64, he wanted to rebuild Rome to be more majestic, he hugely overspent, and even raided the temples for money.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

End of Rome notes

I Chloe Macis will be taking my test on June 2nd during mod 1 (8-8:55)

Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of courting the plebeians. Military generals worked that angle lead an army that conquers a land, then give them a share in the spoils.
Julius Caesar (100 -44BCE) a highly successful general, he conquered the huge territory of Gaul.
Pompey (a general who conquered Syria and Palestine)
Crassus (the richest man in Rome, one of the richest men in all history)
these three men formed the First Triumvirate.
Pompey lead and crossed the troops across the Rubicon.
Caesar was now and in charge his reforms included...
Granted citizenship to people in provinces
Expanded the Senate, adding his friends
Created jobs for the poor, especially through public works projects
Increased pay for soldiers
Started colonies where those without land could own property
The end the republic happens when Caesar is killed and stabbed 23 times!, by the senators who weren't really punished

Thursday, May 21, 2020

essay topic

The topic for my essay that interests me is... compare and contrast modern day government vs the roman government.

Paragraph 1- Introduce the government style in Rome and in the modern U.S today and how they are run. And talk about how the us is based off rome's but not completley the same

Paragraph 2- The similarities and differences. Both have three branches and legal code but do they mean the same? Describe the legal codes...

Paragraph 3-  Describing they both have an executive branch but they do different then todays gov

Paragraph 4- Describing that both have a legislative branch and contrast why they are different.

Paragraph 5- Describe both have a judicial branch but you make think it's the same but it's not. Wrap up the main ideas.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Roman empire transformed Roman government's society, economy, and culture. The Grachus brothers were Tieberus and Gaius attempting help rome's poor.
Economic turmoil- The large gap between the rich and poor.
Civil war- A period of conflict between groups of people. Added to that was military upheaval was the breakdown of the loyal military.
In 60 B.C Julius Caesar a wealthy roman took over has general in the roman military.
Triumvirate- a group of three rulers.
Caesar's reform- while he was in power he held absolute power over all. But on March 15th 44 B.C Caesar dies. After his death a war broke out, destroying the remainder of the roman republic.
Shortly after Octavian became the ruler and accepted the title of Augustus.
Pax Romana- A period of peace
Romans then learned agriculture and trade was soon to be very important to society. 90% of people invested time in farming. Slaves also played a part they were an asset to society's economy.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Punic War

Punic wars were fought between 264-146 BCE. It was a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage.
The first Punic war was (264-241 BCE) It was a combination of naval battles near Sicily. Rome won this war.
second Punic war was (218-201 BCE) 29year old general Hannibal takes charge of Rome, deciding to attack from the north. Crossing Iberia and the Alps. Rome wins again 2-0
Third Punic war (149-146 BCE) Rome wants to get rid of Carthage. They decided to burn the city down, taking approximately 17 days. After almost 50,000 people were sold into slavery. Carthage then turned into the Roman providence of Africa.
Resulting in huge economic changes due to the income of a large number of slaves. While farmers were losing money to Aristocrats. The massive farm estates were called latifunda.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Government structure & family

The rule under Tarquin was brutal, considering he was a tyrant. S.T daughter married brothers one of which was Tarquin. But Tullia kills her husband and sister allowing her to marry Tarquin which odd but there is more to come. Tarquin then seizes the throne from Tullia's father. He brutally does this by throwing him down the stairs then assassinating him. Therefore leaving him to take the throne. There is plenty more crazy in this family... but these acts scared off anyone from wanting to take power. Or even be subjects to the royal family. They showed fear that they'd end up like this family.

Kings were replaced by two consuls, which are elected officials. A term lasts one year. Plebs were 98% of the population of the time but patricians still had the power. Plebs fought back by refusing to participate in the military until the twelve tables came out. SPQR- senatus populusque romanum (roman senate and people.)
Three branches of democracy
Executive- two consuls of one year term
Legislative- 300 aristocrats and members for life.
Judicial- Praetors chosen by centuriate assembly (one year term)
The twelve tables is the official document similar to constitution. (rights for plebians.)

Friday, May 8, 2020

Rome Chi-Cago notes

More Rome Notes...

  • The Etruscans settled Rome. They were from the north central part of the Peninsula. Some jobs they occupied were metalworkers, artists, and architects.
  • The Greeks also helped settle Rome. They had settled colonies around the Mediterranean sea. They borrowed ideas from them such as, religion, alphabet, art techniques, and militaristic ideas.
  • But the Latins were the first to settle before the others. The descendants of Euro-Indians usually settled on the banks of the Tiber.
  • Remus wanted Aventine, but Romulus choose Palatine. 
  • Many streams flowed through and into the Tiber. The Marshy Area between Palatine and Capitoline Hills was called the Forum.
  • Tarquin the proud's grandfather built Cloacca Maxima channeling into thee Tiber.
  • Lucius Tarquinias Superbus is the seventh and final roman king. He was a true tyrant and had a modern sense of the world.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Chi Cago

Today Mr. Schick presented us with his own rap about Rome. Um... where do I start it. I didn't know Mr. Schick had it in him to write such a cool song. It went to the beat of Low by Flo rida. I wasn't really listening to the lyrics but it had a good beat and was fun to listen to. Mr. Schick should make more songs or Chi-cago... Lol. But after I looked at the lyrics it was actually a good song to go along with Rome. In conclusion Mr. Schick should quit his job and become a rapper and move to LA.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Twelve Tables

The twelve tables are a set of twelve laws inscribed originally on wooden tablets but then later moved on to bronze tablets. The laws were created in 451-450 BCE. The idea of the twelve tablets were they gave all citizens rights no matter of social class. It used some pre existing ideas just now written down. But this was considered a mile stone for the time. Citizens couldn't be taken advantage of no longer because there was evidence of their rights. It was one step closer for Plebians being treated equally by Patricians.

Friday, May 1, 2020


The Pantheon is a roman temple located in Italy. The whole exterior is made of brick and held up by pillars in the front. Followed by a circular exterior on the sides and followed by a dome roof. The pantheon was started in 118 and finished in 125 A.D. The temple was originally designed for the temple gods but now is used as a church. And still has the original writing preserved on the top of building.

Essay to Me

Dear Future Chloe,    How’s Life been?  Did you achieve your goals, and do you have a family now?  Remember when corona virus first be...