Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19 essay

Right now at this moment in my life has been one of the hardest so far. Due to the Corona Virus out break so many changes have been made,  like the addition to cyber school. Cyber school has it's pros and cons to it like anything does. The transition to cyber school hasn't been so smooth to begin but I have high hopes it'll get smoother. It has been alot to keep track of when everything is stored online. Cyber school just is a burden to do everyday some subjects are quick and easy while others could take hours for one subject. Being stuck in a room all day in front of a computer is just not ideal. Math has been especially hard to teach myself since I was already kinda not strong in it to begin with. So if we go back to school I will be very lost since what we are learning has been tough. I could just cheat since cyberschool makes that very easy, but that isn't right and I wouldn't be learning anything from that to help me in the future. Teachers I have seen been slacking in grading too. I accidentally turned in a blank document and got a one hundred,  I was a bit confused a fixed the mistake. The social interaction we are used to everyday has really played a toll on both students and teachers and how were realizing how much for we took for granted of having the privellage of seeing all of our friends and teachers since COVID-19. All we can do is work together as a JC community and push through this hard time and pray everyone will be okay.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Biographies Redo

Phillp II- Former king of Macedon reigning from 359-336 BC. Born in 382 BC. Phillip was the father of Alexander the Great who took the reign after him. He was the third son of Amyntas III and Eurydice I. When he was younger he was held captive in Thebes, where he was given a strict militaristic education. Phillip II was a strong leader and member of Argead Dynasty. And was a key factor in the Third Sacred War. Later in his life he inherited a vulnerable and weak country. But with his strong military background he was able to turn that around, by taking control of surrounding territories. To end his reign at the age of 46 he was assassinated, and will be greatly remembered.

Alexander the Great- The son of Phillip II, born in 356 BC. King of Macedon reigning from 336-323 BC. Alexander was a member of the Argead Dynasty hence his father. During his youth Alexander was tutored and learned from Aristotle. Then at the ripe age of 20 took the throne from his late father. And just like that he was responsible for one of the most powerful empires. He was King during the Persian wars and was key to helping defeat them and Darius III. Alexander had two children in his lifetime Alexander IV and Heracales. Alexander is arguably one of the best leaders and had huge impacts on the world at this time. Dying at the age of 32 cause of death is still unknown. But lived a full life.

Darius III- Originally named Artashata and was the last king of Achaemenid empire of Persia. Taking the throne at the age of 43. Reigning from 336-330 BC. The empire eventually went down due to the invasion of Alexander the Great. There were many factors for the empire going down but that was the main factor. When inheriting the empire it was already on the weak side but he will be remembered as the last ruler.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Corona Virus vs Plague

The Corona Virus and Plague are both very dangerous outbreaks in our world, and both similar in ways. The Corona virus has about an 8% mortality rate. While the plague was much higher having a mortality rate of almost 60%. The Corona virus could be more deadlier but we are more educated than back then. We have better sanitation techniques, unlike back then. Both spread very easily so it's very important to stay spread out during these times so history won't be repeated.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


All three of these powerful leaders in this time period.

Alexander the great-  Born July 356 BC-June 323 BC, was the king of Macedon. Taking the throne at the age of 20 from his dad king Phillip II. Alexander was arguably one of the greatest leaders through out history.

Phillip II-  382 BC- 336 BC. Was the king of Macedon, until he was assasinated. And was the father of Alexander the Great.

Darius III- 381-330 BC. Was originally named Artashata. Was the last king of Persia. Darius was his domestic name.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Alexander the great and bucephalus

When Alexander was supposedly twelve years old he tamed/won a horse named Bucephalus. The horse was won in a wager with his father. Alexander tamed him by turning him to the sun and riding off into the distance. He learned Bucephalus was a quiet and shy horse over time but fearless. After that it has been said Alexander had that horse for almost twenty years. And that horse was always by his side and went into battles with him. But in 326 BC in battle, Bucephalus died to battle wounds, and Alexander was right beside him. The two were inseparable since the beginning.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Thoughts about cyber school

My thoughts about cyber school... It's alot easier I guess than regular school. But it's kinda hard to keep track of all the assignments. And I finish earlier and have the rest of the day to myself. The only subject that is alot harder is math I can't learn it without a teacher being there so this should be fun. I feel like we may not go back for the rest of the school year. I miss seeing my friends though. Also even if I finish early I can't even go anywhere since everything is closed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Cyber school day 3

People like Socrates and Protagoras started to question the traditional way because of everything that happened with the black plague. The black plague effected alot of things like the quality of life, the economy, the towns, and jobs. Although this all hit very hard, the worst was when Pericles died. Nobody knew what to do because he was the brains behind everything. After all those events happened society wondered if there is something that should be changed to prevent these events from ever repeating.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Crucible of Civilization

Pericles had cargo brought from oversea, but it came with a disease, the plague. He couldn't do anything about it and the plague spread very quickly killing many and turning Athens into a dump. It caused a breakdown in society, ruining his plan. Eventually Pericles was infected with the plague. He didn't want to admit to what had happened, while sick. And eventually the hero was killed after six months due to the plague. (429 B.C). His original plan was to turn Athens to a Mediterran power house, but it just wasn't meant to be.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Cyber school day 1

1. Pericles- A wise and able statesmen who led Athens during the golden age. His goals were to strengthen Athenian democracy, hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens.

2. Direct democracy- A form of government where it is run by citizens and not representatives.

3. Delian League- Is and alliance between all of the greek city states, working together against Persia.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Corona Virus

Today in class we spent the whole time dicussing and asking questions about the Corona virus. Schools are going to be closed for two weeks. Two weeks of cyber school may drive me crazy but I'll get through it. We also discussed how to clean properly and and how to wash our hands. But hopefully the virus won't last that long so lacrosse season won't get cancelled, that'd be a bummer. But I wonder if the quarter will end now or will we just start when we get back. Will we have tests online or wait till we get back?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Video Pt 2

Today in class we watched part 2 of the video we watched yesterday because more Schick wasn't here. I wonder where he went? Anyway this video was comparing the Greeks and Persians.  And the events leading up to the battle. Then it talked about how and why the Greeks defeated the Persians. Next I have Gym, than the day is over. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Video day

Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't here. So we watched a video, about the coming of greek civilizations. The video was an hour long and on the history channel I believe. We didn't get to finish the video. And no one in our section had a macbook pro so we just had to watch it together and play it at the same time. The video was very information and kinda interesting. Next I have gym and I hate that class. Than off mod than lacrosse game, and that's my day.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Pop Quiz

Today in class we let David review over the powerpoint. I wasn't really paying attention to him, and then we got hit with the pop quiz on Gods and Goddesses. There was also parts on Socrates and Plato. Next we took the quiz which i'm pretty sure I got a one hundred on, so that's good.  Then after we watched a clip of the show the good place, where a guy hits a group of construction workers with a trolley car. And here I am now writing my blog. Next we have lunch and the rest of my day is pretty easy I think. But I really don't want to go to lacrosse.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Notes on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

Today in Class we learned about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. And after we talked about the Skull breaker challenge.  We reviewed these topic and then debated whether gods or goddesses were real or not. I personally think they are made up but I could be wrong. Socrates was put to death for corrupting childern and he created the Socratic method. Plato was another great philosopher who was student of Socrates. And finally Aristotle who was the father of western civilization and was also a student of Plato.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

More in greece

Today in class we reviewed over the gods and goddesses. Then after we talked about the battle between Greece and Persia. Greece was this small country going against the big country of Persia. But what Persia didn't know was Greece had power armies and navies even though they had small size. They also had the advantage of "home field", so they were very famillar with the land. While Persia came unprepared. Than we just compared the two for the rest of class. Next Mr. Schick showed us the trailer for the movie 300, which was unrealistic to what we learnt.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Notes on Gods/Goddesses

Athena- Goddess of wisdom, skill, warefare, peace, intelligence, battle strategy, and handcrafts. And her father was zeus.

Apollo- God of music, arts, knowledge, and healing. He was the son of zeus.  And had a twin sister named Artemis. 

Poseidon- god of the sea, rivers, floods, and earthquakes. Brother of zeus.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, desire, beauty, and sexuality.  List of lovers- Ares, Adonis,  and Anchises.

Demeter- goddess of grain, harvest, and agriculture. Sister of zeus.

Essay to Me

Dear Future Chloe,    How’s Life been?  Did you achieve your goals, and do you have a family now?  Remember when corona virus first be...