Friday, January 31, 2020

Note on nile

Today all we did was take notes. The notes we took was about the Nile river. Upper river is 500 miles long and lower Egypt. They are actually flipped flopped the nile flows from south to north. Next we learned Pharaoh's were the all powerful that Egyptians relied on in society. Women had a very small roll in society they can inherit money and land. The government they followed was a theocracy meaning it's based on religon. Finally we learned gods are portrayed as animals.  To end class we just listened to Mr. Nicky's Mesopotamia song.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Notes on Nile

Today in class we took notes on the pyramids of the nile. The nile flows from east Africa to the Mediterran sea. The nile is the longest river in the world at about 4,100 miles. The cool thing about the Nile is that it floods at about the same time every year. Then we listed some definitions like delta, narmer, Pharaoh and etc. I got an 93 on my test. Next mod I have gym which is the most boring class ever. I don't know what else to write about. But have a great day to whoever is reading this.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Quiz day

Today we took a quiz on ancient Mesopotamia. The front to me was really easy but the back is where it got harder. The front was matching with definitions, and the back was some fill in the blank with multiple choice questions. The question that gave me a good amount of trouble was which of these aren't in the fertile crescent. I also didn't know one of the multiple choice questions where it was like what . was the prolouge to Hammurabi's code of laws. But beside that I think I did decent for the first quiz of the semester. Next I have gym than off mod so I have it pretty easy. Than I get to leave at one because I have a game all the way in Fredrick at St.  John's. Maybe will pass the ark on the way there. Plus on the way back coach said we could stop at Chick Fil a maybe.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Review for quiz

Today we listened to the Euphrates by Mr Nicky. His own version of Crank that by Soujia Boy the absolute banger through my whole middle school time. All we did to review was went around and asked questions and answered from our notebook. And the remainder of class we listened to the song. My favorite part was when he shouted EUPHRATES. Next we listened to Apple bottom jeans the Rome version which Mr. Schick composed. Next I have a basketball Game vs St Frances which I know we are going to lose since they are 11-0 and nationally ranked. Plus they have a girl who is commited to Maryland and I'll just sit bench anyway.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Mesopotamia day two

Today in class we went over the remaining two slides for Mesopotamia. We basically went over Hammurabi's code which contains 282 laws made by the Babylonian King himself and they were very harsh punishments. A harsh one i remember is someone goes to put out a fire and steals something and gets caught they must be thrown into the same fire they are trying to put out.  Next I made the new one than misspelled western civilization, which I had to fix after that. First we started to learn about Mesopotamia and the Tigris and Euphrates. Than we got off topic and talked about Martha and how she is a reverend in Boston. Next we took notes on the earliest civilizations and pretty much the rest we just took notes. Cuneiform is the first official lanaguage used for communication in the earliest times. Next I have p.e class.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

More mesopotamia

Today in class I fixed my blog title. Than i accidentally deleted it than, made a new blog because I deleted the old one. Next I made the new one than misspelled western civilization, which I had to fix after that. First we started to learn about Mesopotamia and the Tigris and Euphrates. Than we got off topic and talked about Martha and how she is a reverend in Boston. Next we took notes on the earliest civilizations and pretty much the rest we just took notes. Cuneiform is the first official lanaguage used for communication in the earliest times.

Essay to Me

Dear Future Chloe,    How’s Life been?  Did you achieve your goals, and do you have a family now?  Remember when corona virus first be...