Friday, February 28, 2020

pg 139 questions

Direct democracy-A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives.

Classical Art- Their values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion, became the standard.

Tragedy- A serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal.

Comedy- contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor.

Peloponnesian war- A war between Athens and Sparta.

Philosopher- Such thinkers or "lovers of wisdom."

Socrates- One of the critics of the sophists.

Plato- A student of Socrates

Aristotle- Questioned the nature of the world and of human belief, thought, and knowledge.

2. His greatest goal was the increase the strength of Athenian democracy, and increasing salaries to get people to join office.

3. He allowed more than just the wealthy to join office, increased salaries, made the government self engaged by the public.

5. He was questioned because he didn't believe in the gods and corrupted the minds of the youth.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Test day

Today in class we took part one of our Ancient Greece test. I'd rate it a 6/10 the harder sections were the written portions. I studied for a good amount yesterday because my grades are terrible in all classes and I still have some time to change that. After the test I took a nap and here I am now writing my blog. Next I have gym, off, then finally practice.

Monday, February 24, 2020


First we let Izzy go over the pop quiz and we took it again with her. The only thing that trips me up is the seas, beside that I did well.  We took notes on the different types of government like oilgarchy and arisotle. Next we basically went over all the material for our test on Thursday, than class was over.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Pop quiz

Today in class we were welcomed with a pop quiz this morning. I didn't really perform that well i got a 14/20 which lowered my grade to the class average. Which sucks because it's gonna be very hard to bring my grade back up. The part that killed me was the part about the seas. After we reviewed the quiz we just took notes on pages 134-139. Today is my last day for tryouts making me nervous. Hopefully I will make a team and don't get cut.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Homer Simpson

Today we learnt about the greek city states and the seas around it. And the legends how they aren't actually real. And how homer is blind and we never know if he is a real person who composed the stories.  Before times there was a thing called oral tradition and then years later someone had the idea to write it down and translated for us to read today. Than we just took notes down of the rest of the powerpoint. The day is over now and sadly I have lacrosse tryouts, yay me.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Today in class we talked about the concept of philosophy. Like what is the point of life... Than we looked at a picture of a pipe. And the caption was french and said cici this is not a pipe, or something like that. It was kinda pointless to study a pipe saying it wasn't a pipe even though it was a pipe. Next we just talked about the allegory and what it did and represented in society. Like our classroom is an allegory. Than we just took notes on Greece. After class ended I had gym. Than the day was over and I had lacrosse tryouts.

Friday, February 14, 2020


Today we watched a six minute video that took up the whole class, to analyze and watch. It was about the roman culture and the socratic method and how it affected society. Than the other part of the video was about how society is equivalent to a cave. Next I have to make up my math test because I failed the first time but besides that the day was great. But I almost lost my laptop today which was the only scare.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

We did nothing

Mr. Schick talked about his teaching career and the film industry. And how John Carroll was a very welcoming community. Then talked about Mr. Seyler. I took notes today on the society of Greece and like the landmarks. An example would be the acropolis or a city state. That didn't really take all that long to take notes that took only about twenty minutes of our class period. And now I'm just trying to thing about what to write but next is advisory.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

More greek notes

Mr. Schick was not here today, I don't know why but he just wasn't. The sub we had today was Ms. Jaques who is also my Spanish teacher who I just had the mod before. I took notes today on the society of Greece and like the landmarks. An example would be the acropolis or a city state. That didn't really take all that long to take notes that took only about twenty minutes of our class period. And now I'm just trying to thing about what to write but next is advisory.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Greece Notes

Mycenanan- People who settled on the greek mainland around 2000 B.C.

Trojan War-  The legendary story of attack on Troy.

Dorians- They moved into the war-torn countryside. And spoke a dialect of Greek and may have been distant relatives of the Bronze Age Greeks.

Homer-  The greatest story teller who was blind.

Epic- Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds between 750-700 B.C.

Myth-  Traditional stories about the Gods.

3. The seas were important because they were important transportation routes. And it was also a way to efficently trade with other civilizations.

4. They used the ideas of seaborne trade, writing a language, vase designs, cultural aspects, etc.

5.  Epics were important because they were the first types of written down poems/stories in the culture that celebrated heroic deeds.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Quiz day

Today in class we took a quiz on ancient Egypt. The quiz was ok, I kinda studied last night but not too heavily since it was a quiz. I think I should've studied hardier because I didn't really know the answers to the fill in the blank questions. After the quiz we just took notes on Greece which is the next unit we are starting. After school today I have basketball practice in preparation for our game tomorrow against Mcdonogh. Also tomorrow is our last day and it's away at Mcdonogh.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Quiz tomorrow

Tomorrow we have a quiz tomorrow and we just started to review for today. He just went around and asked us questions from his binder, then we answered. Than we listened to Mr. Schick's favorite song La danse. It was very interesting choice but it wasn't that bad. Next we watched a video about mummification and talked about the process of death. Mr. Schick aburptly leaves our class. But besides that we just goofed around and prepared for our quiz on egypt.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Pop Quiz

So today I walk into class and sit down. The day was going pretty good than Mr. Schick whips out quizzes. And i'm like oh no I have no idea what we've been learning. I think I got two or three wrong which is a failing grade since there were only seven questions. When were going over the answers he revealed it just went A, B, C, D... etc. I didn't pick up on that pattern therefore I don't think I did that well. After we just took notes in our notebook about Egyptian culture. But than before the end of class we went really off topic and started talking about how dead people get cold and hard in a few hours.

Essay to Me

Dear Future Chloe,    How’s Life been?  Did you achieve your goals, and do you have a family now?  Remember when corona virus first be...